Why coach with me?
What makes my coaching unique and incredibly resourceful is my wealth of experience in different modalities for exploring inner worlds.
I have over 10 years of experience in meditation, dream interpretation, as well as energy healing and working with plant medicines. These practices have trained my intuition, presence and deep listening abilities.
Besides my deep interest in inner work, I have a firm understanding of the demands of the professional life. I've worked since I was 15. I've been a museum guide, waitress, actress, teacher, curator, and finally a flight attendant traveling all over the world. I've also owned my own airbnb business before realizing that my diverse gifts and experiences would best be put to use in helping others.
What clients point out most about my coaching is my healing presence, focus and competence in navigating the mind. The way that I do this is by showing up empty. I arrive like a blank sheet of paper, without judgement and without assumptions, and I listen to your particular circumstance.
This approach leads me to being neutral and curious, and it allows my intuition to do the work that is far greater than what mortal me could do. I listen for truth, and I listen to hear what the soul is yearning to experience and move towards. I most love helping people gain clarity on what really lights them up, and the creating a road map for acting on the possibilities already present for moving towards their ideal life.
The way we would work together is to first get clear on what it is that you want to overcome, accomplish or create in your life. From there we deep dive to see what is in the way of you getting what you want. We coach around clearing out your limiting beliefs, finding your own source of power, and then we devise an actionable sustainable plan for you to get what you want.
If this sounds like exactly what you're looking for in a coach, send me a message and let's do this!